Personal Experience

As a social media enthusiast, I easily navigated the internet world. Facebook was one of my digital playgrounds, a place where connections grew, ideas flowed, and memories were shared. However, a recent incident shattered the basis of my virtual safety.As I’m scrolling through facebook, I noticed one of my friends shared an unsettling video. I immediately messaged him asking If he was okay or if anything happened to him. But he did not respond to my messages. After 2 days, he randomly sent an unknown link. As soon as I saw the link, I just got the feeling that he was being hacked. It turns out that his account was sending spam links to his entire friend list. I asked my friends if they also received an unknown link from him, and they said yes, that was the time I knew that he was being hacked. We heard from his mom that he created a new account because his old account was hacked by an unknown user.That incident was an eye opener for me. We realized the importance of being cautious about the information we shared online. The experience, though distressing, served as a wake-up call about the vulnerability of our online presence.


The internet plays a huge part in our daily activities, allowing us to communicate, share information with others and even run businesses. It is important that we understand how our online activity affects us and others. Because we don’t always see the person on the other side of the screen, it can be easy to ignore the social etiquette that we would follow otherwise in face-to-face communication.

network safety and netiquette

Netiquette is a set of rules and guidelines. Most websites and social media platforms have defined the rules of online behavior that users must follow. It is a guideline for polite and considerate behavior in online interactions, encompassing aspects like proper language usage, respectful communication, and consideration for others' opinions and privacy. Respecting others' viewpoints, refraining from offensive language or cyberbullying can contribute a lot to a more inclusive online community.


Network safety and netiquette plays an important role in keeping a secure and respectful online environment. Our world today becomes connected by the internet. Network safety and netiquette exists so that people will communicate more efficiently while online, as well as to avoid possible misunderstandings and potential conflicts. These are both important in maintaining a healthy online community. Without an adequate knowledge of netiquette, you risk getting into abusive or cyberbullying behavior without being aware of it.

5 ways to protect you social media account:

1. Using strong and unique passwords
Long, unique, and complex passwords with both special characters and numbers are harder to crack for malicious individuals.
2. Limiting sharing of personal information
Personal information and whereabouts, such as live location, daily routine, personal credentials, phone numbers, and email addresses, present safety issues and should not be part of your online footprint.
3. Be wary of public Wi-Fi
A VPN is a great option to protect your social media from hackers in public environments by making your data, location, and login credentials untraceable.
4. Recognize scams and fraudulent links
Hackers get more and more creative to try to trick you into sharing personal information or clicking on fraudulent links.
5. Enable two-factor authentication
This double layer is reliable to secure your credentials, as, without the approval of the second-factor authentication, your password alone becomes useless to hackers.